A law partnership

A boutique law firm offering specialized expertise in certain areas of French and American law and expertise on the impact of cultural differences on cases arising within a judicial system.

Dear website visitor,

In these few paragraphs we try to give you an idea of what we do as international lawyers.

If your problem only involves the country of your nationality, there is no need to consult us, but if your problem involves people or organizations with different nationalities, or the same nationality but more than one country is implicated, then we may be of use. For then issues arise as to what law is applicable, which courts may have jurisdiction, if there exist applicable treaties or European Regulations. Each of those issues is critical. A lawyer not regularly confronted with such problems may be unaware of them or be unaware of the applicable laws, treaties, and regulations.

The issues may occur in a commercial setting, a family setting, such as a house sale or purchase, a landlord-tenant or construction setting, as well as in divorce, child custody, wills, taxes, trusts, inheritance, probate, contracts of all kinds, in citizenship and visa work or in a not-for-profit setting, The problem may require litigation or simply well-informed counseling.

Hopefully these few paragraphs will give you a notion of when we may help.

Why the firm is unique

The firm places a high priority on the procedural aspects of every case and on creative ways to reach a satisfactory resolution.

As a small firm each lawyer is thoroughly familiar with every new client and with every case that the firm accepts.

Ronald Sokol has argued cases in both the federal courts in the United States and in courts throughout France. His hands-on litigation experience in both judicial systems has given him a rare perspective into the litigation process and insight into the vital concerns of prediction and prevention.

Having lived in the United States, Japan, England and France he is sharply attuned to cultural differences as they are reflected in the practice of law and in judicial outcomes.

Olivia Lischetti’s legal education in international law, her experience in Algeria, the Hague, Iran, Kosovo, and London coupled with eleven years of appearing regularly before the French courts have made her a formidable advocate in both civil and criminal cases.

Daniel Sokol is not a member of the firm but has “Of Counsel” status. He is a member of the English bar with chambers in the Inner Temple in London. He is available to assist the firm in matters arising in the United Kingdom. His dominant areas of practice are personal injury and academic appeals. He has an international reputation in the field of medical ethics.

Type of clients

Clients are mostly private individuals, including a number of high net worth families and several diplomats. They include as well, foundations, universities, not-for-profit associations and both large and small corporations.

Our Lawyers

Ronald Sokol

Ronald Sokol

Olivia Lischetti

Olivia Lischetti

Daniel Sokol

Daniel Sokol

Job offer

No job openings at present.


4 + 3 =

Address : 14 rue Principale, 13540 Puyricard, France

Telephone : + 33 (0)4-42-92-08-20
Fax : + 33 (0)4-42-92-14-51

Offices are located in the village of Puyricard just outside of Aix-en-Provence. The village of Puyricard was founded in 1167 by Bertrandus de Podio Aicardo. It is today a part of the city of Aix-en-Provence.

Travel time to other French cities:

• Aix-en-Provence: 7 minutes by car

• Marseille: 20 minutes by car

• Paris: 3 hours by train

• Lyon: 1 hour 20 minutes by train

• Nice: 1 hour 45 minutes by car

• Cannes : 1 hour 30 minutes by car

• London : 1 hour 35 minutes by plane.